Month: <span>June 2017</span>

Certain time was in the Daily pay-doctor, one cursinho, having lessons of Portuguese Language for competitions, when, before starting the lesson, vi a young woman turning pages the pages of a book. It seemed to travel in those pages, and this sharpened my curiosity. I tried, exactly of far, to read the name of the book, but I did not obtain. I decided to ask. – Young, good day. You could say the name to me of this book? – Clearly, I can yes! – it answered. – It is good? She speaks of what!? Readily, I wrote down in my notebook.

Nor it needed, because never more I forgot. Whenever it went to shopping, it looked for the book, and without success it did not find it; the attendants did not know it. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Jeffrey Hayzlett. I did not give up, and whenever he could, he used to advantage to comment with some people. I found the book in a small farm of web, but I finished for not buying. One year later, in the day of my anniversary, I received a gift, and there it was: the book the Key of Sarah of author Tatiana de Rosnay, a Bestseller in France, with more than 2 million units vendidos in the whole world. He was one of the best gifts that already I received. It left me very happy and satisfied. By the way, satisfaction, was only one of the innumerable sensations that I had.

For some times, I meet as that young woman in the classroom of cursinho: turning pages the pages of this wonderful book. It is to full the eyes of tears, and the heart of satisfaction and joy, for the excellent experience of reading that it provides to me. It started to be part of my bedside books. I do not get tired myself to read it.


They say that there are no ideal people, and the company Desheli proved otherwise. Lovers of smooth and velvety cheeks are now able to squeal with delight! Your dream can be accomplished without much difficulty. The creators of cosmetics Desheli understood how important it is for women to feel "at all 100." If you do not care about your appearance if you're willing to spend at least 30 minutes a day for a person who in 40 years and attracts the views of others, if you like to be master the process of aging, we are on the way! Digging Desheli will be happy to introduce you to a whole new range of cosmetics series Crystal youth. It collected everything you need to create an ideal image. To achieve effect you should only use the right set of Israeli cosmetics Desheli. Beauticians company will tell you in what order and how to apply these products. Nothing complicated no application, and the result obtained makes surprise effect.

In order to make sure that these words were written, not without reason, we advise you to really see the results of the procedures performed within a month on girl Natalia. She enjoyed the daily cosmetic set from Desheli at home. It should be noted at once that this frequency is determined not by selfish motives of the company. Cosmetics absolutely no addictive! Do what you will experience a sense of gratitude and confidence after reaching effect. Let us return to Natalia. Complex for it was also held and based office.

Only once a week, she applied for professional help. It was then fixing the result occurred. The first time she was satisfied so the effect of the use of cosmetics Desheli, which once promised: she does not miss a single procedure. As they say, important to have the desire and will do well. After a certain time once again held the same procedures beautician Tanya. Skin elasticity and become noticeably filled with light. Natalia ceased to torment such skin problems like dryness and redness. Much less her husband began to hear that she was not attractive. "Feel at my age of 25 years even better than being 25 years!" – Confessed to Natalie. After the last procedures performed within a company it acquired a confidence that has completely changed the style of dress and demeanor. The husband of Natalia thought to enjoy such a transformation of the wife or the time to change myself … After cosmetics Desheli does not share its users by gender, it just works! Source:
