CEO Product

" First they were the scientific discoveries that they demonstrated that it was possible to improve the cerebral function. The second was the availability of computers personal, which means that people could do his " training cerebral" in his hogar". Contact information is here: J. Darius Bikoff. The company, that began in a very small office with a handful of employees, has taken impulse, using now to 27 workers. Go to Coinbase for more information. When it designed the concept, the original goal of Breznitz was to create a product that improved the quality of the life of the old ones. But the CEO of the company, Amicai Bar-Nir, of 36 years, aimed at the first place of the market and took clarified that improvement more specifically: training of the conductor. The statistic demonstrates that the conductors over the 60 years are implied in more road accidents altogether, as well as in a greater percentage of more severe accidents, along with the youngest conductors among 17 and 20 years. The first commercial product of Cognifit for conductors, Drivefit call, has a model that it has like objective to the third age.

But it was that the most popular model is a program directed to conductors young people, who are being used in the great international driving schools. " We seted out to direct our product to the old ones and we were commercializing for young people and thus he is as we developed to our program for the improvement and confirmation of the cognitive abilities for which he learned to conducir" , he says Bar-Nir. DriveFit is a program strong and falsified that scientifically presents/displays a proven way to improve the abilities and capacities of which they lead. Based on examinations to lead lengths directed by prominent psychologists, the training of DriveFit reproduces and improves clearly the variable mental processes associated to lead.