Human Development

a Maicao in sight was the title of an article published by a popular magazine of national circulation. The note refers to the special surveillance by the authorities remain on general business and allegedly illegal activities take place in the city. It is important that the authorities do their duty but is also good to remember that Maicao always been targeted by someone. In the second half of the twentieth century was the target of footloose capital, whose owners came, invested and then left without saying goodbye without generating greater benefits for maicaeros. He was also in the crosshairs of those who wanted to go to the other side of the border, when Venezuela had the attraction of having one of the strongest economies on the continent and a good currency traded against the dollar.

Today the land of corn (this is the translation of a Maicaoa in native language) is back again in the spotlight. But the expression is used as never before in a sense legality destroyed their economy without offering any alternative development change, or at least survival. It is still in the crosshairs of those who pursue fighting crime and corruption. A round of applause for them, of course. But the city justice, should also be targeted by those who can contribute to their progress. is a renowned Colombian journalist and writer, a teacher linked to several Colombian universities. He is the author of four books and co-author of three others that address the topic of leadership, ethics and Human Development.