In its last announcement, Bolivar said: ' ' The military must empunhar its swords to defend asgarantias sociais' '. The last thing that a military man must make is to serve aoimperialismo and to the dominant oligarchies and to arremeter against its proper people, as already it happened in innumerable occasions in our continent. Bolivar, numaocasio, said that ' ' cursed either the soldier whom if he launches against seupovo' '. 5 In this finishes time that Chavez if found with the current president of the EUAObama delivered to a book of the Paraguayan writer Eduardo to it Galeano, veiasabertas of Latin America, a reference who search to see the productions marxistasdentro of the imperialism American north in Latin America, this I break up dodiscurso of Chavez where it standes out the position of the military in the process deimperialismo, making aluso the situation of Colombia, where the exercitocolombiano in set I exercise with it of U.S.A. comes promoting one verdadeiraguerra civil in that country cons the FARCs (Armed Forces revolutionary dColmbia) this guerrila organization comes very making great Columbian opposition aogoverno, a time that this is customer of U.S.A., is receiving ajudaamericana by means of the third way of U.S.A. As well as Chavez in Venezuela another echo of freedom before the EUAouvimos despite of more shy form bolivian president Evo Morales, vembuscando to base its administration on the nationalization of empresasmultinacionais in its country, a sample of confronts the American decisions and pretensions dosnorte that they desire a domination total of the continent. The great project deChvez is to create a socialism in Venezuela, According to president, primeirociclo of the revolution of the country started in 1989 with the Caracazo, the revolt popularcontra the survey of subsidies for president Carlos Andrs Perez, eterminou with the ownership of Chavez for the first mandate, in 1999. With suachegada to the power for the vote, in 1999, the cycle was initiated as, in vigoratualmente.