It is financial or of any other nature, problems is that it is a problem for us only if we are prepared to look at it that way. And to exemplify what he thinks in a family facing a period of economic scarcity. Imagine that this family consists of the father, mother and two children 6 and 3 years respectively. A good day the father comes to the House concerned about the economic situation that are experiencing, has no money to buy food for the next day. He sits at the table to talk with his wife and complain about how hard that is life, and how difficult that is making money. In that one of his sons, the eldest, comes running and it pounces to greet him, wants to play with him. The father does not control your frustration and departs him, tells him that they have economic problems and currently is not in a mood to play.
The youngest son comes running behind his brother to go with his father, this bypasses and not even look at it. The mother is sitting at the table, very concerned and when their children come to her, she gets up and tells them that it is very busy. At that time do you think the children understand the situation through which pass their parents? Do you think that they perceive the situation as economic problem? It is likely that not, because children are not prepared, or rather, do not have a reference point, a pattern, a belief, or a picture of what adults call economic problems. The sad thing is that continuing this situation where parents behave this way against them repeatedly and constantly, then children Yes develop the potential to perceive a particular situation as economic problem. In fact his parents thus learned to perceive them.
What determines that we perceive a situation as an economic problem, they are patterns, images, beliefs and something called footprints, which have collected throughout life and make us see a situation as a problem rather than an opportunity. Feat in ours, say so as well, unconscious, and hence it is gaining strength with the passage of time, until a good day is strong enough so that what we see or experience as a reality for us. The situation in itself is not a problem, because if it it were then all us turn away from such situations, and however there are companies, investment funds, banks, etc. acquired debt because they see it as an opportunity. Entire event is neutral perspective with which each of us deals with and perceived the event is what determines our experience. In the second part of this article I will tell about what most of the people is prepared to see, perceive and experience, regardless of their current level of income. You can change the way how you perceive the economic problems and perceive them as opportunities, please click here. Read the second part of the article here. Original author and source of the article.