Social Networking

Also, Youtube is very useful to your personal branding and is told that if a video tutorial, or speaking in front of the camera, generated a lot of confidence in people, and increase the chances that you buy or join you. Twitter: This network is very simple but has enormous power, basically you follow people you want, and people who want to follow you follow you. This network does not have as many users as Facebook for example, because it is mainly used by people over 25 years, with technology-related occupations or communications, and with the main objective to share information, learn and make connections between people with similar interests.

So if you know what the branding and marketing to help your business, you’ll realize the power of Twitter for this purpose. Facebook: This social network has more users than Twitter, but is targeted at a wider audience where you you can find people of all kinds and all ages. The main reason for this is that within Facebook users can use many applications of all types to interact with others, making the experience much more complete and user-friendly than other systems, and for all tastes, but is used more for social purposes than for business. The Hayzlett Group is often quoted as being for or against this. The disadvantage I see is that to keep someone you need to first accept you as a friend and vice versa, and many people are unwilling to mesclar his personal life with her professional life, but within facebook also have the option of creating groups or pages, which are perfect to share professional information and interact with other users with the same interests and branding of your personal brand.

In future articles will surely speak in more detail about each of these social networks as important and useful for business, for now just wanted to give an idea of its potential to make online marketing and viral outcome that can give such marketing, because in the future you could have people interested in your brand, and when it published any article, video, or promoting something..