
An ideology for detrs of each act of statement exists. This term, of the book of Faraco, symbolizes a product of ' ' spirit humano' ' , what some times are called by other authors incorporeal culture or production spiritual. Of the same book, the following story is had: Ideology is the name that the circle costuma to give, then, for the universe that engloba the art, science, the philosophy, the right, the religion, the ethics, the politics, that is, all the superstructural manifestations (to use a certain terminology of the marxist tradition). (2003, P. 48).

For this I break up, understands that the Real never is given of form concise, raw, but of the opposite, where the pure data are not tried. The relationship happens through a significant substance, the world alone acquires sensible when treat for the semitico look. Soon I will answer other questions sent during the launching of my site. Again I thank to the attention and affection of all and all 3:59 p.m. Apr 19th saw web.

(@dilmabr). The launching of the site is a marketing tool. The act to have a site means status, mainly when it is about one in terms politicians. Dilma if raises through the cheap media with precision, the object of the modern times that sobressai in relation to other medias, as well as radio and TV, older ways. The Internet is at the hands of good part of the population, and beyond the exploitation, in the case of twitter, the workmanship hand becomes short, direct, needs very and without effort on the part the enunciador. For Bakhtin, much imports the dialogizao of the social voices, that is, the sociocultural meeting of these voices and dynamics that if establishes. The voices have strenghtened support, if they oppose partially and if they dilute of form fracionada until if parodiarem ones to the others.