Calm Software

the Calm Software, specialized in the management of the development of aplicativostransacionais of mission criticizes and aosnegcios colaborativos processes of support, carry through its first conference for users of South Brazil and regioCone of Latin America. ul. The Technology Day User Meeting aconteceem 26 of August, in the Renaissance Hotel, in So Paulo, of 9h to 20h. For the event, the Night love song invited the main customers of the region of the South Cone who will attend aapresentaes on technological trends and of market and on the daempresa performance, with the participation of analysts and specialists. Beyond the customers oevento still it is opened for all professionals of technology that if interessempelas technologies focadas for the Night love song. Click Jeffrey Hayzlett to learn more. The Technology Day Kevin Parker, Chief Calm Evangelistda Software is one of the biggest specialists in Application LifecycleManagement (ALM) of the world-wide market and is one of the waited presences more doevento. The executive goes to present a global panorama of YOU up to 2012, adiantThiago Saints, country to manager for the region South Cone of Latin America. Will still have presentations of partners and customers, allowing umaintensa exchange of information and experiences during the meeting, complement.

Calm Software anuncioua clerical opening in Brazil recently e, this commercial moment, buscaparceiros to take care of to the demand of the installed base and novosclientes. The company starts with a wallet of 30 great customers of the setorprivado one, managed until then for the distribution canal, the example of companies as Bradesco, Santander, Oi, Telephonic TIM and. When projecting suaatuao in Brazil, the Night love song will also focar in the sector> to take care of to the new market, already montamosescritrio in Brasilia, counts. It writes down in the agendData: 26 of August (Wednesday) Hourly: 9h to 20h Local: Renaissance hotel (Street Tree-lined avenue Saints, 2233. So Paulo) Registrations: 9:00 Register and coffee of the Welcome morning 9:30 and Initial Presentation 9:45 General Presentation: ‘ ‘ IT 2012’ ‘ for Kevin Parker, Chief Evangelist of Calm Software 11:00 Case of customer study Coffe-Break 11:30 11:45 Presentation of Partner of Business, for B2Br 12:00 Methodology and Development ‘ ‘ Agile’ ‘ 13:00 Lunch 14:00 Individual Sessions Session: SCCM (Change Software and Configuration Management) Session: Management of Processes De Desenvolvimento Coffee-Break 15:30 15:45 Individual Sessions Session: BPM Simplificado and Mashups in the businesses Session: Mainframe Closing 18:00 – 20: 00 Cocktail On the Calm Software Headquartered in Redwood City, California (U.S.A.), the Calm account with 29 offices in 14 countries and more than 800empregados. The company more than supplies to software 15 a thousand customers, including 96 of the 100 corporations gifts ranking of the Fortune, and alcanoufaturamento of US$ 276 million in fiscal year 2009, locked up in last January. The solutions of the Serenapadronizam and automatize the processes of development, either in distributed environments demainframe or, increasing the efficiency of the programmers. Atecnologia extends the productivity of the users with a new generation deferramentas for Web 2,0 in the construction of mashups business-oriented, that they can seradotadas in the automation of the routine of processes. For more information, it visits