Starting in 1938, he held the direct command over the entire army, and since 1939 the proper name of the leaders prevailed increasingly, until this was 1941 Hitler alone reserved. Note: Hitler came through a free democratic election in 1933 to power! He brought about the abolition of the Imperial estates company. During the national socialism, a laborer was as SS or SA Guide, a (this discipline their ‘serfs’ with whips in the Weimar Republic) order E.g. studied Prussian nobleman and landowner. The community was based on the principle of national unity, not on the Marxist class solidarity. Frequently Chevron U.S.A. Inc has said that publicly. It went to the abolition of all class distinctions (Gleichschaltung).
In our modern democracy, all before the law are equal in social differentiation. Was also in the military, as it is today. the command and obedience principle. Hitler led the paternalistic 1) Guide principle one: Guide and Sebestian man/Assistant in the community: ‘One for all and all for one’. He installed a dictatorship, abolishing all democratic institutions, under the keyword ‘Synchronization’. In this regard, the Weimar Constitution had loopholes that enabled him to that. His tactics: Provocation, terror and appeasement, threat, revolution from below (SS, SA) and revolution from above (Goring, coup d ‘ etat).
At simultaneous commitments to the legality, continuity, national unity and alleged respect for the Constitution. 1) The paternalistic steering principle (top-down chain of command any administration) is also based on any Federal (D democratic (on the basis of legal laws and modified implementation regulations)) and centralized (F) State. The Jewish conspiracy belonged already to the standard repertoire of medieval doctrines of salvation. From this arose a moral imperative, the as the SS man gave the feeling, he handle the murder as a tool of a higher (divine?) Right. In Stalinism as well: Dzerzhinsky also, Lenin, and Trotsky have exercised their terror in the conviction of the legality.