
Clinical manifestations The manifest torcica endometriosis – clinically for symptoms of cyclical occurrence generally in the two first days of the menstruation. It more frequent affects the pleura and the fabric pulmonary subpleural, disclosing as pneumotorax and hemotorax catameniais (73% and 14% of the cases, respectively). Pneumotorax associated to the endometriosis is esteem that it represents 2,8 5.6% of all pneumotorax spontaneous in the women. More rare, the illness occurs exclusively the level to intrapulmonar, disclosing for hemoptises (7% of the cases) or assintomticos pulmonary nodules catameniais (6%). Pain frequent torcica and, affecting 90% of the sick people. The rarer dispnia and, being related only in one tero of the cases. The incidence of the pleurais and parenquimatosas injuries, although to be able to occur bilaterally, seems to be more frequent of the right side.

Distinguishing diagnosis Before I diagnosis assuming it of torcica endometriosis, will have to be excluded some patologias with similar symptoms. For the pulmonary endometriosis, I diagnosis it differential must be made with recurrent patologias that cause hemoptises, nominated tuberculosis, bronquiectasias, neoplasias and syndrome of Goodpasture. I diagnosis it differential of pneumotrax includes pneumotrax spontaneous elementary school, pneumotrax spontaneous secondary for other etiologies and pneumotrax for trauma. It is called, however, the attention for the fact of pneumotrax catamenial to be able to occur without being associated to the endometriosis, being presumably caused by the air ticket of the feminine genital treatment for the peritnio and from there for the thorax through the defects congenital in hemicupula diafragmtica right. Diagnosis the key for it I diagnosis of this pathology and the catamenial character of the symptoms. Pneumotrax, hemotrax or hemoptises coincident with the menstruation must be suspected of torcica endometriosis in women in age fertile who appear with a clinical picture of recurrent episodes of pain torcica. The confirmation generally diagnosiss and difficult to get (less of one tero of the cases).