For the author we must initiate the quarrel from a problematic one: Which history? Which citizenship? It is by means of these questions that we will be able to perceive the paper of History in the formation of the citizen. According to Fonseca Forest, this reflection has left of two premises for the historian: the first one, is to think History as it disciplines educative and liberating, therefore develops the paper to form the historical conscience of the men, being made possible the construction of the identity. second is to have conscience of that the debate on the meaning to teach history is processed, always, in the interior of fights cultural politics and, then it points limits, possibilities, desires and necessities historically constructed. Valley to remember, that ‘ ‘ education of History and the construction of the citizenship assumes different configurations in the diverse contexts politicians. With the Dictatorship of 64, for example, taught history had as theoretical bedding the positivista, europocntrica and linear historiografia traditional, organized on the basis of landmarks, facts of the institucional politics in a chronological sequence causal.’ ‘ The author says. With this method of education history not only excludes the pupil of the process of construction of the knowledge, but also of the formation of citizenship, while subject social.
In summary, all the ideas descutidas here, are of extreme importance for we while future historians and educators, therefore it not only allows in them to know a little of the trajectory of the education of History in Brazil, but also it takes to reflect us it on the paper of History in the formation of the citizen. Thus, only the education of History directed toward the research, analyzes critical of the different experiences human beings and the problematizao, can guarantee a process of teach-learning of quality, compromised to the educational responsibility, politics, cultural and social of the school, that the inclusion and the rights of the citizen guarantee that they constitute a democratic society.