Making Profits

We understand to make profitable a site obtaining to obtain gain of its operation. The equation is well simple: we add all those that leave to maintain a site to us online, and we reduced the gain to him that leaves us. In order to have a more or less exact idea, we can count the following headings of expenses: Hosting, dominion, etc Designers Programmers Costs of CATHEDRAL promotional Action of marketing (online and offline there were if them) Expenses of subscriptions to services (for example, services of distribution of content, discharge automated in finders, etc ) Personal of dicado to position Other operating expenseses of the site that we consider excellent To this we reduced the cattle to him through site: sales. We did not speak of traffic. We can have the highest traffic of the segment, but it is not translated in contantes and sonantes sales, as little will serve, to the aims to make profitable a site. Now an almost philosophical question considers.

We must or not include publicity in our sites? It is necessary to contemplate the objectives proposed for the site, and to make a careful evaluation of what type of publicity we would be including, and which would be the final result. Made this reservation, before putting publicity in our sites, there are some things that we can make to increase the sales through same. All a series of tools exists that allow us to enlarge the public who receives our message, and who goes of the hand of the traditional actions of CATHEDRAL. By means of these tools not only it is possible to extend target present that our site can have, but some of them constitute excellent tools of loyalty of the present clients. The reasoning behind these actions says to us that to obtain clients he is quite arduous, consequently, those that already we have deserve to be object of some type of loyalty action that increases chances of which that client returns to buy to us.