Tag: <span>education</span>

The Chicago Bears achieved his third victory of the season by defeating rival acquaintances, the Green Bay Packers, in a meeting that closed the third week of the NFL with a score of 20-17. Soldier Field served as stage for the Chicago Bears and the Green Bay Packers will face for the occasion number 180. This is the largest number of games played between two teams in the history of the NFL. Both teams arrived in this memorable meeting in condition of undefeated, with a record of 2-0 during the season regular American football. The Packers were the Favorites to reach this match undefeated and as leaders of the NFC North. Both the Packers and their fans showed great confidence in the moments before the decisive game. The triumph of 27-20 on Philadelphia and the overwhelming advantage of 34-7 against Buffalo, served to reinforce the good condition in which are found the Packers at the start of this season 2010/11. If you would like to know more about RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust, then click here.

For its part, the Chicago Bears are recovering after a previous irregular season that finished with a record of 7-9. After the bad news situation of the Bears, its President Ted Phillips took the necessary measures so that his team could improve. Among the most noticeable variations that were given, was reinforce the offensive and defensive side of the team with Mike Martz and Rod Marinelli, coordinators responsible for those areas during training sessions respectively. The results of these changes are being reflected in the good start to the season for the Bears (2-0), something not achieved since 2006. The year began with a 7-0 mark that led them to Super Bowl XLI, where they lost 29-17 against the Indianapolis Colts. The current Chicago Bears have proven as capable as that occasion equipment. Chicago began its way during the regular season with a 19-14 victory before Detroit Lions.

The Bears then won on the second date of the NFL, Dallas Cowboys by a score of 27-20. For the Bears, the Packers beat is clear evidence of how much has improved his game. Green Bay was put up in the score 7-0. After this annotation, the Bears tried to equalize the score but the defence of did not allow the Packs were. In the second quarter, Green Bay took advantage of a careless of Chicago to increase your score 10-0 thanks to a 38-yard Mason Crosby field goal. Chicago Bears did not pass the second room without opening your marker. His efforts resulted in a touchdown of 9 yards by Greg Olsen to 26 seconds to end the period. In the third quarter there was lots of action on the pitch, but the markers remained intact. The fourth period was the greater emotion, there both teams doubled their attacks. The Bears were in front on the scoreboard 14-10 14: 39 minutes, with an annotation of 62 yards of Devin Hester. The Packers looked the recontra and 6 minutes put the marker 17-14 with a 3-yard Aaron Rodgers hauling. A few minutes later, Robbie Gould field goal tied the match 17-17. Chicago Bears was 20-17 triumph with a Gould field goal four seconds to finish the meeting. With this victory, Chicago remains undefeated and is placed at the top of the NFC North. About the AutorStephen Lars is one of the main writers for Instant Action Sports and currently writes about the world of the NFL. Feel free to make use of this article in its entirety in your site, making sure to leave all links in place and does not modify its contents.


All the human behavior can conveniently be classified as being pertaining to one of the three domnios, that is, cognitivo, affective-social and motor. They are mental part of the cognitivo domain, operations as the discovery or recognition of information, the retention or storage of information from certain given and to the taking of decision or act of judgment about the information. (MAGIL, 1980). Of the affective-social domain the feelings and emotions are part. You evidence presented for social psychologists show that the affective behaviors basically are acquired by the learning process. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Diamonds. Krathwohl, Bloom and Masia (1964) had elaborated a similar taxionomia to the taxionomia of Bloom for the cognitivo domain.

They had identified five main categories, that is, to receive, to answer, to value, to organize and to categorize a value or complex of values. For even more analysis, hear from RioCan . Of the motor domain the movements are part. In many studies, the motor domain is mentioned as psicomotor domain, in function of the great envolvement of mental or cognitivo aspect in the majority of the movements. Some of the known studies more on the motor domain are the taxionomias of Harrow and Simpson (PROENA, 1997, p 05). In this project of educational adventure we develop you practise educational differentiated with which we need to give more active voice to our pupils, where the culture and time of development of each pupil can and must be respected, inside of this source to multidiscipline the educational process is included in Indoor activities and billboard creating link between school, house, nature and world demonstrating to the pupil that it is direct part of the social process, leaving for educational formation of thinkers and leaving this process of formation of workmanship hand. The Brazilian development educational is based on diverse problematic that is unhappyly not solved, by bureaucratic and administrative questions that instead of contributing with the educational process acara the same being late being slow in the process of Educational evolution, initiating a process of qualification of the professors and giving educational base to multidiscipline valuing in the process of ambient education, lived deeply in before practises the activities only seen in the theory. In such a way this project contributes of direct form for the educational development of each pupil for learning of form practises being a great support for the activities of room, being part of a package (it practises and theory).


Internet – a project occurs in 2 forms: – project. – project is the fact that the student gets the job, for which he needs to find information in Internet and then provide the results of their search. Checking article sources yields Rio- Tinto Diamonds as a relevant resource throughout. For example, the passage of the theme "flat" students receive the task "to go" (the Internet) in real estate offices and "buy" or "remove" an apartment or house. In process of students receive relevant country information about the life of Americans, the economic aspect of the studied countries (exchange rate, value); easily remember the lexical material in the course of the project. e-mail – There are 2 types of draft written communications on the Internet: synchronous (chat) and asynchronous (e-mail).

In the chat participants exchanged written messages, but do it in real time. This method is effective for Individual language learning. The audience for this activity is difficult to implement. You also need to speak the language at a fairly high level. In the synchronous written communication it is possible to think, correct, rewrite your text (this is important especially for beginners (language study)). e-mail – a project jointly run with 2 or more groups of students from different countries, for which the language is foreign. The participation of native speakers do not appropriate, because language, and hence a meaningful level of communication they are unlikely to be interested.

Students it is important that the texts are made not for the teacher to demonstrate their knowledge and get that assessment, and for peer partners (and we know how important teen teenager view). to give them some interesting information, or to discuss relevant issues. For example, the game is "Odyssey" The game is played from a variety of groups 05/06 countries. Each group chooses a code name. The players do not know where they live their partners. The aim is that participants guessed as soon as possible, in what country is the other group, and as long as possible did not disclose his location. Educational television – and video programs. With the use of the body – and video equipment are removed language difficulties of perception (as in not knowing what – or words (foreign) "doponyat" is possible by means "Pictures"). Before you watch the movie need to enter and consolidate new words. Just to settle any difficulty in understanding the content of the film (a film you can stop and see a strange passage again.) After viewing effective methods of question – response exercise, which is checked by means of understanding the effective use of simulation film dialogues.


What does it mean for me knowing this language? What I want to achieve? How can knowledge of this language will help me achieve its primary or more (assuming more than the English) goals? These questions are useful in early training, and in its process. It is important to understand that the study should not be an end in itself, it is – a means. The study should have a clear and justified reasons, as well as clear-cut path, ie border. We can not learn to "just in case", "future" or "for all". Willingness to learn is closely connected with the emotional side our personality. Emotions, as we know, are volatile, and therefore rely on them in training is not necessary. Jeffrey Hayzlett has compatible beliefs.

A crucial role to play mind is our conscious choice. Our solution should have a very strong rational basis, which can withstand our sometimes lazy or apathetic, nature. Understanding the purpose of learning, in this case, can play a big role for us. Importance of the objective will be proportional to the level of motivation in learning. The greater importance, the more motivation.

If we learn only because it wants so much to someone else (parents, boss, friend, business partner), we may be very difficult to motivate yourself if the "other" lost that desire. If we learn because it is doing everything and it's "fashionable", then we need will not depart from these "motivators," as without them progress to us very doubtful. Only the motivation that comes from within, from our personal desires and preferences – may indeed be the answer.


If our goals will not be in congruence with our deeper values, hardly will be satisfied with our lives. Exactly reaching the goals, if they they will not be in harmony with what really our heart asks for, we will feel an interior emptiness that will be able leaving in them confused and without direction. We are very important all to know for where we go and as we go to arrive there. The success people have obtained to survive and to be successful, establishing a well defined vision of future and establishing strategies to construct the waited success. We have that to define in clear way our vision of future and need to have an action plan that will become Real this our vision. To write my future, I am based on the familiar ones that they had obtained to establish goals and they had conquered its dreams and accomplishments. Currently I intend to be architect, since I have vocation for drawings and calculations, however this does not disable alterations in my project of life.

I have clear goals to carry through my dreams and force to materialize them. SO THAT TO HAVE A LIFE PROJECT? According to Fan (200_), in the period of infancy the child is very tied with the parents, is they who thinks, they desire, they idealize and they choose the form and the ways that its life will have. Already in the adolescence, many conflicts occur because the young does not accept more what the others determine for its life. In this period we differentiate in them of our family and we discover who we are and what we want, which our desires and projects. It is not an easy moment, but it is very important since it is in these choices that the young search itself exactly. ' ' They arrive until the edge, said it.


Saints (2002) add that to educate it is not limited to repass information or even though to show a way that the educator considers most certain, but yes in helping the person to take same conscience of itself, the others and the society. Still, it is to offer some tools so that the person can choose between many ways, that one that will be compatible with its values, its vision of world and with the adverse circumstances that each one will go to find. The child needs emotional stability to become involved itself with the learning. Chevron U.S.A. Inc has many thoughts on the issue. The affection can be an efficient way to approach the citizen and the ludicidade in partnership with professor-pupil, helps to enrich the teach-learning process. Without hesitation Rio- Tinto Diamonds explained all about the problem. when the educator of the emphasis to the methodologies that aliceram the playful activities, perceives a bigger encantamento of the pupil, therefore it is learned playing.

Saints (2002) one mentions the meaning to it of the word ludicidade that comes of Latin ludus and means to play. Where in this to play the games, toys and tricks are enclosed, having as educative function of the game the perfectioning of the learning of the individual. In accordance with the National Curricular Referencial of the Infantile Education (1998) from the importance of the ludicidade that the professor will have to contemplate games, toys and tricks, as norteador principle of the didactic-pedagogical activities, making possible to the child a pleasant learning. Thus, the ludicidade has conquered a space in the infantile education. The toy is the essence of infancy and allows a pedagogical work that makes possible the production of knowledge of the child. It establishes with the toy a natural relation and obtains to extravasar its distresses and enthusiasms, its joys and sadnesses, its agressividades and passividades. When assuming the playful and educative function, the trick propitiates diversion, pleasure, potencializa exploration, the creation, the imagination and the construction of the knowledge.


The education center is not more the professor, nor more the pupil, is started then to value the techniques. Appearing the school technique, where its pedagogia would be the efficiency and the productivity thus reorganizing the educative process with intention to become operational objective and. Therefore, this new model of school comes to articulate directly with the production system, having as an only interest to produce and to enable competent individuals to be inserted to the market of work, if worrying only about the techniques and forgetting social or psychological the changes. In this new model in such a way the professors and the pupils have that to adjust itself with the information of the specialists to characterize the man power. Montauk Colony LLC has many thoughts on the issue. The THEORY OF the BENDING OF the POLE the author detaches in the book school and democracy on the theory of the bending of the pole, has a reflection on two ways of the education, where Saviani (1981.

p: 38) say: …, ' ' In this appendix I will make a small consideration on ' ' the theory of the bending of vara' '. I do not know if the theory of the bending of the pole is conhecida' '. Saviani makes a reflection where it involves the individual and the demonstration of how much to the education influence the life and if leaves to also influence for the social changes that is demonstrated by the revolutions of classrooms, that occurred as reflected of the education and justify these attempts to adjust and to diminish in the education the social differences, and affirms that when more was looked to speak in democracy in the school, less democratic it was. Therefore, she observes yourself that all the consideraes arrive at the point to affirm that really the education and the politics are identical, the only difference are that they follow practical distinct and characteristic proper, therefore if ahead of the education the objective is to convince, in the politics if it has for objective to be successful. The education becomes legitimizes the social differences and keeps out of society instead of attenuating the fight against the ideologies of classrooms. Its paper that would have if to serve of instrument for the choices of the free, democratic man, citizen and autonomous worker finishes, then if becoming a manipulation tool it critical thought of the society. REFERENCE: SAVIANI, Dermeval. School and Democracy. 4 Ed. Authors Associates, SP: 1981.


It was born the Arpanet, precursor of the Internet: four places had been chosen as initial we of the net: Network Measurements Center of the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA), Institute of Interactive Mathematics Culler-Fried of the University of California in Santa Brbara (UCSB), University of Utah and the Institute of Research of Stanford (SRI). The used data-communication methods had given origin to the TCP/IP? the universal set of transport protocols and encapsulamento of data of the Internet? In one it searches carried through in the year of the 2010 for the F/Nazca () site demonstrates how much the Brazilian has access the Internet, this information allows to visualize how much the ingression in a course can in the distance be important. seventh edition of the survey on Internet in Brazil, carried through semester for the F/Nazca, quantified the number of Brazilians who have access the Internet, considering the places and periods of access, navigation, purchases online, transversalidade of the medias and consumption of notice, beyond exploring for the first time the universe of the electronic games. The influence of the Internet and internautas in the consumption comes growing gradually in the Country, enters more with 12 years or. In this band, 23% they costumam to buy online, with average of 4,2 times to the year, while 41% if feel more consumistas later that they had started to use the Internet. It more enters articles bought online are the electronic (11%), followed of books (6%) and household-electric (5%). On the other hand, 77% of internautas do not costumam to buy online, from fear not to receive or from the delivery of the order to be slow (33%).

The mouth the virtual mouth influences internautas in the purchases? 48% take in consideration the opinion of other consumers published in Internet before buying. F/Nazca carries through the research on Internet since the beginning of 2007. In the survey of April of this year, 2,247 interviews in 143 cities had been made. The margin of error is of 2 percentile points for more or less, inside of a reliable level of 95%. The amostral drawing was elaborated on the basis of information of Census 2000 and estimates of 2009 of the IBGE. These data can are for knowledge, but they can help in the distance in the education in way that contributes inside with the local realities of Brazil, so that let us have each time in the distance more people studying. 4 – SOON HISTORICAL OF the EAD IN the WORLD education in the distance is a process that comes taking space in the whole world, for having flexibility, freedom and also it criticizes in environments that can be had access of any place, since that has the correct equipment. (Litto, 2009) it speaks in its book that exists dates cited for some authors who historically demonstrate facts of signals of Ensino in the distance,


The ratio, on earnings (P/E) stock price amounts to 6.03, while the price to book value ratio is 1.58. Looking at the balance of the company, there is also a very good financial situation with a good structure of debt that guards the company face short-term financial difficulties (the debt to capital ratio is 33.2%, while the ratio of long-term capital debt is 25,06%, which indicates the low level of short-term liabilities). While the company has good fundamentals that currently make attractive their roles, both by their investment plans growth prospects as well as by the actions you are performing to position itself strategically in key areas, increase its appeal in the light of the significant increase than is You can expect the profits of the company in the medium and long term. The good prospects for the future which observes Petrobras come generating the interest of a famous investor whom the market seeks to imitate almost safe profit. The day on Wednesday met the tycoon of Hungarian origin, George Soros had doubled its shareholding in Petrobras, in the last quarter of 2008, through the purchase of 16 million shares of the company listed in the U.S., reaching 1.45% of participation. With this Soros acquisition happens to be the second largest shareholder of Petrobras in the U.S. stock market.

But, why Soros is shown so interested in Petrobras? Hernan Ladeuix, head of research on oil and gas at CLSA Ltd. in Singapore, seems to have the answer: oil prices have been climbing, probably with force in the coming years. Petrobras is the only major international company whose production can grow 5% per year, we are confident. But Soros not only interested in oil that has and can produce the Petrobras, but also in the potential of the oil company to become world leader in the production of alternative fuels. In relation to this, it is worth remembering that in 2007 Soros visited by Brazil.

This visit occurred not in a casual way but a few months after the Brazilian President Lula da Silva and the President of the United States.UU. George Bush closed an agreement to promote the production of biofuels on a large scale in Latin America. At that then Georges Soros announced his intention of investing about US $900 million dollars in Brazilian ethanol plants. Clearly, Soros bet on the Brazilian oil company is not a short-term bet. For those who rely on the power of technical analysis, if you look at the share price graphs, however, is that the same is recovering its growing trend, so it the action can also provide us with profits in the short term. Both in the short and in the long term, Petrobras actions appear as an interesting investment option in a mined context of red numbers. And of course, if Soros has set its eyes on this company, something it must be. Original author and source of the article.
