Tag: <span>home and family</span>

And in family relationships: having reached 13 years, the couple should not lose their caring attitude to each other, and vice versa, more contact wires "family pattern," nor-established one year. It is "a lacy relations" have reached a husband and wife for 13 years of marriage. You can say all learned a lot of built (Meaning, not only the house but the family), created around comfort. Therefore, their work can compare with the work of lace makers. Husband and wife wove his happy family life, and suddenly – 13 Th – a baker's dozen! To protect the family from breaking, friends and families should find gifts related to Lace. Remember the days of our grandparents? Different lace napkins on the tables, lockers, even handmade Tulle – Lace. Brian Armstrong often addresses the matter in his writings. And as tempting, looked romantic girls in starched lace collars? Or how seductive bed, adorned with lace ruffles? Why not choose these things for free? The wedding night can be repeated at 13-years old marriage, especially when presented with snow-white bed with lace inserts.

It is a symbol of pure family relationships! And if she is still starched and – a wonderful crunch of the rhythm of love … To keep things "in unison," girlfriend can give the bride beautiful lace underwear night, this shirt. And the moments of love "young" will turn into a fantastic moments of pleasure, wrapped in white lace ties. Friends may think about the interior: a magnificent decoration – painting with antique lace. Of course, it is necessary to look a gift. Maybe we should open the chest prababushkinogo, which houses the "art of real women"? If there is no ride through the villages or go to the antique shop.

After that, order a nice frame and put a grandmother's lace under glass. It will be a gift that bride and groom will be able to pass as an inheritance from generation to generation, a symbol of love lacy date. Learn more on the subject from Rio Tinto Group. Windows eyes are at home and guests are judged on hosts in the first place on their external appearance. Therefore, handmade tulle decorate them beautifully. And so at night the couple met over a cup of tea, do not interfere with a beautiful tablecloth lace patterns, and to her, in workload, a Russian samovar. Under the cup – lace napkins, for example, with a picture of pigeons. Because doves – the symbol of a strong love! You can even think about the appearance of all family members. Lace collar workers – children, lace handkerchiefs – their parents. In winter, the bride can give a lacy shawl-wool cobweb, and for her husband – wool plaid chair for rocking. Lace wedding – it's not age and does not even mean! Each year should give couples the joy of family relationships. And as long lace weave lace, trying with some difficulty, but do not stop – is it possible to quit a job? – And in family relationships, going through some difficulties, do not stop there. Otherwise, the whole job will go nowhere. Needlepoint is an art – and strong bonds of marriage – a real gift! Lace wedding – another star to win your family ship. It was such a sense as a gift the newlyweds with the experience – a souvenir: a ship with a sturdy masts and white sails, where there is a captain, and next – an assistant. And the inscription, motto: "Always you a fair wind, wisdom – and during a storm confidence – in a storm! "


Besides Barbie body with difficulty increasing muscle mass. If a woman of this type and there are those extra pounds, it is immediately apparent, because the mass is set for by fat, not muscle tissue. By the way, Barbie will not fit fast diet, during which her body first burns muscle. If Barbie for some reason wants to quickly get rid of fat it is fraught for her hormonal disorders and other serious health problems – until the psychiatric disorders (the brain depends on a normal fat content in the body). Women need to get rid Barbie of extra pounds gradually, through well-balanced diet and moderate exercise.

Proper nutrition is best for you fractional power mode, where you need to eat small meals every 3 hours. The point vol. that is usually representative of your type can not eat much at one time, because they are working rather sluggishly bodies gastrointestinal tract. For their stimulating and toning added to food spices, fresh herbs, season salad with lemon juice, meat carcasses in pomegranate juice. You do not have suitable fatty meats (duck, goose, lamb). Ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in your diet should be 1:1:4. But consider that the amount of carbohydrates in your menu depends on the physical activity – even a small but regular they will inevitably turn into excess fat. Although the lack of weight you are, unlike other types, can afford more dense dinner – something better protein. If you have dinner after the power workout, you can easily dial the desired weight through muscle and not fat.


Its strength is independent of any or no chance. At the celebration gather all the relatives. Laura Rogers is likely to increase your knowledge. You can share on that date, silver rings, which can be worn with gold wedding. Or a husband gives his wife a ring. Guests are presented with silver or silver items. Pearl wedding – celebrated thirty years after the wedding. The relationship between spouses is not dimmed, as well as natural pearls. The intervening years, as pearls are strung on the thread of time.

Pearl Necklace – a talisman and a symbol of fertility. Husband gives wife a thread with thirty-pearl on the number of years lived, precious as pearls. Give natural pearls pearl, do not faint from time to time, as well as relations between spouses. Linen (flax, Coral) wedding – celebrated thirty-five years of marriage. Draper tablecloth impersonating a peace, welfare and comfort of home.

Red coral – health and long life together. Spouses give red coral jewelry, linen tablecloths, napkins, bedspreads, towels, sheets and other articles of linen and flax. Wife as a wedding day gives her husband a shirt. Aluminum anniversary – celebrating his wife thirty-seven and a half years of marriage. Aluminum represents the lightness and strength of family ties. C Ruby wedding – congratulations to the fortieth anniversary of the marriage. Rubin – a symbol of love and fire. He keeps the happiness and love. Ruby color – the color of blood. Close relations between the spouses, "blood." Rubin – a stone of love and fire. It stores and happiness love.


One can not imagine New Year, which did not take part Santa Claus. They are symbols of fun and noisy celebration and even we can safely say that they are his calling card. New Year is an amazing holiday for us all, because in this day want to make everybody as happy as children and adult generation. Therefore, in the New Year's Eve all exchange gifts, but the important is the fact to the gift that you give or you give, was from the heart and the person who receives it, I realized your love. You are thinking how to please and surprise your loved ones? You do not know how to please them in such a happy holiday? Then the correct decision, which will leave no one indifferent, you will call Santa Claus and Snow Maiden at the house. After purchase of Santa Claus at home, you bring happiness to his entire family! Everything kids have dream to see this in my house Grandpa Frost, tell him the poem, sing a song with him on New Year's, the cause of dance around the green decorated Christmas trees and, of course, get out of his big red sack her gift.

Therefore, to invite Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden will be most welcome and a perfect gift for your child. Arrange for your children an amazing holiday with our help, inviting me to visit Santa Claus and Snow White! However, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden like to come for a visit is not necessarily for children, but even with great pleasure to congratulate the whole team will come to your company for the New Year and wish your development business. Order of Santa Claus as easy as adults, too, nice to meet Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, because they love to these meetings and they like to sing with them Christmas songs, dance, drive a merry round, and instead receive gifts. You will delight your staff, Santa Claus will come when in office. Organize your colleagues simply an extraordinary New Year! And then they all this year will be full of excellent memories of this noisy, fun and unusual event.
