Market Niche

He writes articles referring to his niche of market and sbalos to the different directories; he always tries to offer excellent and fresh information. In the box of resources where information of the writer is placed, you can place his connection towards its Web site; this information always will leave at the end of its article. Information of Quality in its Sites to obtain a natural positioning of its site in the finders, is preferable to place text information, that information in any other type of format, or video, banners, etc. With this I do not say that it does not have to place information in these types of formats, but tries that at least 75% are text. Rio- Tinto Group might disagree with that approach. It always adds excellent information, where one is with a suitable densidad its key words. It places information of its products, engineering specifications, frequent questions, etc. Is vitally important that blog initiates its own, when facing this task thinks about that one content that his public values. The idea is to equip with value added to its products and services.

Here also it can place not only information hers, but of others, but always respecting the author rights and placing the source. The idea of this creates a good reputation Online is not that you speak of same you, this him can bring unfavorable consequences stops you in the short term; what I want to transmit to him is that it always participates in the Internet, or in forums, placing articles, placing material of quality in facebook, to twitter, youtube, etc. Cause that they see it to the people you like a connoisseur of its niche, and that the information that presents/displays is very valued by them. The work of positioning is always to medium and long term, but once reached the objectives, you well will be compensated with the traffic flow that she will obtain, and as this she transforms herself into money for you. He follows these indications, and of insurance you would begin to see changes in the ranking of the different finders in the short term.