Other paragraphs which has undergone modifications with this reform of the law, is the regime of invalidity of contracts; some aspects of the general regime retouch and new special cases of nullity of contracts are incorporated. In addition to as described so far, law 34/2010 also born with a predisposition to boost electronic procurement and thereby eGovernment in general, by encouraging the use of electronic media in the processing of procurement records. We can highlight, among others, the obligation of the tenderers to submit an address of email contact so that the Administration make relevant notifications; the possibility of filing certificates keep abreast with Social Security and the AEAT by means electronic, computer or telematic; the publication, in any case, of allocations and the formalisations of contracts in the profile of the Contracting Party of the public body; or the use of electronic notifications between the different organs or administrations, whenever possible. Adaptations arising, from the technological point of view, the reform will come determined by changes in the management of the dossier: alterations in the sequence of the award procedure, inclusion of additional information in award notifications and information in the dossier fields, adjustments to new limits of formalisation or modifications in shipments of publications to the profile of the registrant or official publication platforms, as the platform of State procurement. Of this way, the modifications arising from the reform of the law have impact on technological solutions for electronic contracting currently being implemented in the different government agencies on the occasion of the time of modernization in the Administration that we are living. This circumstance obliges those solutions to be prepared to adapt to the continuous changes that is experiencing the Act of Public Sector contracts to ensure excellence in processing, taking into account the approved reforms which may arise in the future. Luis Tornel and Julia Sanchez Meynial Director of Marketing Pixelware management records, information and business processes learn more about solutions for electronic contracting and managing electronic original author and source of the article