Publisher Magazine

The current spring issue of ‘ despite philosophy ‘ is dedicated to the experts and on March 20, 2013, the current spring issue of light Wolf, magazine despite philosophy appeared professional idiots”on the subject experts. Since Easter, the booklet also as E-books for Kindle, as well as in the open epub format is available. This service is unusual for a magazine of this alignment and size, it emphasizes publishing house in the In this small publishing company from the East Frisian Hage, light Wolf, which was founded in 2002 in the context of the University of Freiburg published since 2009. “A magazine has evolved from the former student project in the past 11 years for a tiny niche: shorted to educated middle class punk”, as it describes founder and Publisher Timotheus Schneidegger.

In this spirit, also the current title topic experts will be”treated: the experts and know-it-alls are omnipresent in media and politics. The modern technocracy is attributed to Plato and as a sibling of the Theocracy debunked quite like the example of Gynecology shows the relationship of domination and science. Why Ulrich Horstmann in art experts saw the biggest enemies and Denigrators of art is discussed as well as the questions whether and how one should live as a philosopher and what is a Word. The entertaining essays on the subject are reviews, satires with aphorisms, and fascinating stories loosened up and hand-drawn illustrated what it’s tradition in the light of Wolf. A large audience has never found the light Wolf and finds it not, explains Schneidegger, on seeing his blade into the niche between joke and Weltschmerz. “It does not bother him that other independent small magazines are known as the Wolf of light, although they left behind in terms of continuity, profile focus and openness to the new electronic reading culture behind him: we make the light Wolf, because we can, not to conquer anything.” End of the light Wolf will participate in the Mainz mini press fair, on the all two Years of book artists, small publishers and underground magazines gather. Shortly thereafter, the new edition is published just in time for the beginning of summer on June 20. The theme of the summer issue is the #@ % *! Of God”and thus fits this unusual magazine project.

-Light Wolf magazine despite philosophy. “Issue No. 41 (1/2013), theme: expert Paperback (DIN A4), 80 pages, ISBN 9783941921252, March 2013, price: 7.80 euros, subscription from 26.80 euros – the light Wolf calls himself also magazine despite philosophy”, was established in 2002 in Freiburg. The magazine appears advertising free and independent as book and E-book quarterly with a specific theme. The Wolf of light turns in the spirit of the Fin de siecle, with essays, portraits and debates on young scholars: In the 2009 publishing the light Wolf (magazine despite philosophy”, ISSN 1614-8037) appear as well as the books of its authors.