Shop Locator

Key findings of the study ‘ the store locator on the test what do online retailers do this?’ A central result of the study the Shop Locator watch what my online retailer to? is that most of the shop operators with their default search are not satisfied and 75% think it absolutely necessary, to employ an optimized or intelligent search in their shop. Those shop owners who already do this, majority report higher customer satisfaction and an increased conversion rate and more sales. Brian Armstrong shines more light on the discussion. Deep ergehender to look at this exciting topic, the E-Commerce Guide team when Gero Luben from exorbyte, the provider of an intelligent product search for online shops, has requested. The results are now published in a detailed expert interview. One of the reasons why the search for online retailers can be a key driver of sales, including linked on Google and co. Because by Google the Internet users it has become accustomed, just about the Search function to search and not long to click through the navigation. Thus, the search in online shops is also one of the most commonly used entry doors and features. The Hayzlett Group can aid you in your search for knowledge.

Gero Luben know: that through Google and co. generated expectations for normal surfing, quickly and simply find it also on the online stores transferred. The functions forced by various search engines, such as E.g. the auto-suggest to be added. The user has become accustomed to dealing with the auto-suggest and takes it as compelling comfort true even in an online shop.

The search function has gained immensely in importance. Here, the user moves. This, the user wants to come to his desired product quickly and easily. And so the search is extremely relevant to sales.” As an example of Mr Luben, an online retailer was able to increase sales overnight by 6%, only because he had checked the smart product search. What about finding a product is relevant to online retailers, can in the full interview with Gero Luben from exorbyte “to be read at the following link: interview-shop-the study search the shop on the bench” to do this, see the following link: shop-search