The Tree

The white comes to be from its opposes and not of the red. With this, we understand that the nature is conducted by its contrary. But the things do not leave of Being to perhaps, but yes when it is corrupted. The tree leaves of being when it dies. After all which is the opposite of the tree? of the sky? I begin if it I oppose is, as to explain it these examples? It will be possible that they do not have the opposite or I oppose? Here to a harmony, therefore of the disarrangement it is possible to think about an order. How to understand all these together questions? It is simple.

The tree is composed, for example, is constituted wooden, leves, land, water, flowers and others. The tree is not as the white that has the black color as opposing. Thus, the things have a harmony from the contrary that are limited, are not as the homeomerias of Anaxgoras. Thus, together wood, leves, land, water, flowers and others to form the tree. This to explain of Aristotle is convincing. Of the previous chapters so far, we understand the beginning of the nature. But appears a great doubt, therefore as that the wood, leves, land, water, flowers and others had been joined? It joined who them? What they made to join themselves? If we stopped the reading in this fifth chapter we would be without understanding, therefore in the next chapter we will understand as that a nexus between the contrary is created.

In this chapter we saw: Summarizing: That the contrary are the principles. Principle? contrary; Contrary? simple and composites; Arrangement and disarrangement/order and clutter. Let us see what of the o nexus in this text and this aristotelian thought. What of the support the nature? BOOK I? CHAPTER the 6 principles are more than what one, therefore, if we say that they are the contrary, wants to say that already they are two (2) and as it said in the previous text of the chapter fifth has that to have one third I begin and that there is locked in, therefore are not more than what the three principles.