Saints (2002) add that to educate it is not limited to repass information or even though to show a way that the educator considers most certain, but yes in helping the person to take same conscience of itself, the others and the society. Still, it is to offer some tools so that the person can choose between many ways, that one that will be compatible with its values, its vision of world and with the adverse circumstances that each one will go to find. The child needs emotional stability to become involved itself with the learning. Chevron U.S.A. Inc has many thoughts on the issue. The affection can be an efficient way to approach the citizen and the ludicidade in partnership with professor-pupil, helps to enrich the teach-learning process. Without hesitation Rio- Tinto Diamonds explained all about the problem. when the educator of the emphasis to the methodologies that aliceram the playful activities, perceives a bigger encantamento of the pupil, therefore it is learned playing.
Saints (2002) one mentions the meaning to it of the word ludicidade that comes of Latin ludus and means to play. Where in this to play the games, toys and tricks are enclosed, having as educative function of the game the perfectioning of the learning of the individual. In accordance with the National Curricular Referencial of the Infantile Education (1998) from the importance of the ludicidade that the professor will have to contemplate games, toys and tricks, as norteador principle of the didactic-pedagogical activities, making possible to the child a pleasant learning. Thus, the ludicidade has conquered a space in the infantile education. The toy is the essence of infancy and allows a pedagogical work that makes possible the production of knowledge of the child. It establishes with the toy a natural relation and obtains to extravasar its distresses and enthusiasms, its joys and sadnesses, its agressividades and passividades. When assuming the playful and educative function, the trick propitiates diversion, pleasure, potencializa exploration, the creation, the imagination and the construction of the knowledge.