PROJECT MORE EDUCATION School Helena Maria? Ananindeua Par Prof. Lucas Rasps Pupil: Lidiene Camila B. Coast? 2* year B GLOBAL HEATING Stops and Reflects: Tomorrow the global heating can not exist is a subject that we must argue ' ' hoje' ' , therefore he is something that is growing disorderedly as we can see in the medias, for all the places that we look at we saw ambient catastrophes with annihilating and irreparable effect, and the trend is to be still worse if not to start to take care of of our planet. The ignorance is taking account of this society that if that says so developed and so modern, but that it does not have the capacity to stop and to reflect its hypocritical action iram to bring devastadoras consequences for future generations that will not have the chance to see and to admire the natural beauties that its planet possesss. ' ' I know that of the one not to change the past, but if each one to make its part we will change futuro' ' EFFECT GREENHOUSE AND GLOBAL HEATING Pupil: Ingrid Lorrayne Frank Diniz? 2* year B the effect greenhouse and the global heating are controversial subjects that would have to be argued, to be thought and reflected for all so that a solution was found, therefore are things that happen in today, but the people treat as if it was thing of the future who do not affect in our day the day. The consequences of these problems caused for the proper irresponsibility and indifference of the man already had started to appear with floods of a side and dry of the other, fire in the forests constantly. As many things that they would have to be prevented by in such a way free spontaneous will how much for law, therefore if the alone man does not obtain to help proper and the population itself, the government could make with that it enxergasse the problem and was obliged to act thus did not harm the nature as, for example: the prohibition of the gas release methane in the cold storage rooms, also forbidding to the use of products and provisions that liberate gas CFC. ' ' Unnecessary fires and deforestations in the forest, if each one of us we made our part already it would help very and. It thinks, what we are making with the place where we live, we are preserving this place ' '