PractiLetter Company

Do you know if this way your company complies with its obligation of preventive training (art. 19 LPRL) and information (art. 18 of the law on prevention of occupational risks – LPRL-)? The answer is no. This documentation only allows your company comply in part with these obligations. The documentation that the prevention of their mutual society provide their workers have to indicate, as a minimum, the risks detected in the company (both global as for the job which will occupy), prevention measures (for enterprise-wide and which must apply each worker depending on the job you are going to deal with)as well as emergency measures established (first aid, fire fighting and evacuation). Give their employees this information allows your company to comply with its obligation of preventive information, but which in any case replace the leaves is the obligation of his company to train its staff in prevention. The training must provide their employees must be theoretical and practice, sufficient and appropriate to the activity that each worker performs and must upgrade depending on the evolution of risks, when new ones to appear and, in general, so when determined the initial risk assessment. In addition, the entity that provides this training must be issued a certificate attesting that the worker has passed the course received.

Attention! Be sure to have documentary proof that your company meets these obligations, because of not being able to prove it could incur serious misconduct punishable by fines from 2046 euros to 40.985 euros. To continue reading, click here. Training, information and much more is what offers you every month PractiLetter prevention of labour risks, a publication which will find all legislative sector developments, discussed without technicalities, as well as very practical recommendations that will help you properly manage prevention in your company, as well as comply 100% with the regulations without great complications.