Tag: <span>electronic</span>

In this article, I show you how to create and publish your own book electronic (ebook), step by step. Step 1: Open your editor HTML (Dreamweaver, FrontPage, or etc), if you don’t have one, download one of these free editors that I recommend.(put page NVU and Kompozer), or writes to any free HTML editor search engine. Step 2: Enter or copy and paste your message from your text editor or idea in the HTML editor you have chosen. Your page designs and try to make it simple. After that, you have finished your work, you save the file in a specific folder. In the layout of your page, you should consider creating your file on a single page. If you decide to use more than one page, do not forget to link them between Yes, although if you are new in web design, better to do the design on a single page.

Step 3: Compile the file into an e-book using the compiler of ebooks. Go to any search engine, type free eBook compiler and Download a compiler of ebook and install it on your computer. Step 4: Open your compiler’s electronic book (ebook) and looks in your file (HTML file to creastes in step 2) and follow the instructions on your ebook compiler until the end. Step 5: Enters winzip.com download WinZip and install it. Open the WinZip application and creates a new Zip file. Register your ebook file and closes it. Step 6: With the program FTP upload a zip file (for example ebook.zip) to your web server.

You can also register for free web hosting. Search on your search engine preferred free hosting web site. Step 7: Publish your e-book on the Internet. Write your ebook for download directory or the directory for free (if the eBook is free). Search engine searches the directory for free your e-book and download it to test mode. Now that you’ve successfully created your own ebook, publish it on the net, but you have a drawback, and it is the address of the eBook can only be viewed by users of Windows. Then, how can your ebook be seen by both Windows users and Mac? Very simple, just write your message or idea in a word processor and save it in txt format. Enters the tuexitonline.com/ewriterpro/ page and this creator of ebooks download free totally grattis… After you create the PDF file correctly, follow step 5, 6, 7. By an effective entrepreneurship.
