Term Group

With this, we are emphasizing the given importance cultural dimenso in the studies of social ecology what it differentiates it of the chamadaecologia human being, the spite to present a common origin. We must observe, that the both have as reference osestudos initiates in the decade of 1920, whose object meets nainterface of the nature and the society situated, in what refers to the societies human beings and seucomportamento in the space where they live. In this period, a group of socilogosfunda the School of Chicago in U.S.A., developing studies of urban sociology, that will go to approach the ecology of sociology. What it marks this approach is atransposio of concepts of the ecology for the field of sociology. Trabalhosdo group of Chicago inaugurates a new methodology of research in sociology, aqual has as main thesis to consider the city as one ' ' habitatnatural' ' of the man. This consideration if becomes, particularly, relevantedentro of the economic and social context of the time. Industrialization crescentefez with that the city of Chicago represented an excellent laboratory depesquisas around the subject of relation of the social organization of the man, in surrounding ummeio for constructed, artificial it, and, therefore, product of the culturahumana. The research undertaken for this American group, had influenced, deformed marcante, the following generations for at least 40 years.

The studies emecologia human being that had continued, however, turn over marked for discussoentre biologistas and culturalistas trends. This quarrel if bases critical numaimportante that if human being relates to the use of the nostrabalhos concepts of ecology in ecology. One becomes necessary to stand out the differentiation that cultural adimenso implies, when the group in question is the human group. Transportermos of a natural science, as the ecology, to sciences human beings can tercomo consequence the impoverishment of the analyses that if follow e, to mesmotempo, a disfigurement of the original direction of the term.