Month: <span>December 2014</span>

Paraguay is the only South American country that has never had sea and one of the most unequal socially. For decades the power was in the hands of a very similar elite with the official party and the stroessnerismo, and the economy has been dominated by the smuggling and arable crops (such as soy). The new Government does not seek a radical alteration of the old order but a reset. After an initial wave of support to the new President will be inevitable clashes between a rural and popular base that has expectations in a redistribution of wealth and land reform and a sector linked to previous administrations or the liberal party that only wants to modernize the Paraguayan system. All this in the midst of a Government that does not hold the control of the armed forces nor is homogeneous nor has a majority Congressman. Paraguay passes today for Mexico what lived in 2000 fell when a party that was more than six decades in power. These two countries elect their Chairmen in a single turn with what Fernando Lugo, who took 40% of the votes, is it becomes the first not colorado representative of his country since 1948. In Mexico had a monopoly of power a party that came from a left-wing revolution (PRI), while in Paraguay this held it the force that imposed the longest South American conservative dictatorship (los colorados of Stroessner).

Both the PRI and los colorados before falling were gradually shifting toward the Center; But while the first was deposed from the right dropped the second by the left. Lugo, however, not a revolutionary, but a former pacifist Bishop who wants to get along with the US and with their environment. His coalition is very heterogeneous as it includes from Marxists to Christian Democrats and centroderechistas. One of its components is the revolutionary turnout that claims the military socialist revolution of February 1936 that deposed to the domain of a third of a century of Liberals, and also this last party who holds the Vice-Presidency and who is part of the liberal international. Lugo would like to offer a stability as has the Lula or the Chilean Concertacion (whose vast Alliance as he is inspired), although it is possible that, due to the crisis in his country, large internal disparities and social pressure by major changes, Paraguay will end up being a new Bolivia polarized between very antagonistic forces.


Of course it was to be expected that one was not going away to give unamimity in the fine declaration with the companies of all the presidents, that already was warned, especially before the problem of the inasistencia of Cuba. For that reason it does not surprise that one says, that the question of Cuba was one of the obstacles unsalvable that they have prevented to agree a final declaration, a to weigh of which Obama announced that government is ready for " new comienzo" with Cuba and to enter into an ample dialogue with his leaders. The Latin American leaders have asked very insistently to the American agent chief executive who ends the 47 years of North American economic embargo on the island. The raised final document rough draft was rejected especially by the member countries of the Alternative Bolivariana for Latin America and the Caribbean (WHITE), headed by Venezuela by to consider it " insufficient and inaceptable" , and in addition because " it does not give respuesta" to different restlessness from the continent. In any case, the own Chvez emphasized after the last meeting of the American leaders to whom the press did not have access that this summit has abierto " a new one was in the relations between all the countries of ours continente" , according to it gathers TeleSur. In its declaration, the countries of the DAWN, Bolivia, Cuba, Dominican, Honduras, Nicaragua and Venezuela, explain that the rough draft of declaration is " insufficient and inaceptable" because " it does not give answers to the subject of the economic crisis global" and because " it excludes unwarrantedly to Cuba". It is possible to indicate, that it is the first time in the history of these summits, that began in 1994 in Miami, that a group of countries vetoes in block a final declaration. .


The most controversial points to be argued: public financing of the campaigns, district vote and vote in list. They would be thus, established criteria that would finish with the improper use them public mounts of money in the campaigns politics, preventing to a large extent the possibility of corrupes. The vote in list would be the voting in the party and not in the candidate. It is defended by many as a form to strengthen the partisan structure. The district vote would allow a bigger control on the part of the voters, in relation to its public representatives. It has a requirement of the society, for ready application of the Law of the Clean Fiche, through which honest individuals could only candidatar themselves. Until then, it was not obtained. It interests who? The release of the propaganda politics, with gratuitous access to the radio and television, with diffusion of unrealizable promises, is sorvidas by a devoid people in search of a paternalism, that supplies its necessities.

Today, unbeliever. He fits to the National Congress, to approve the necessary reform. Emendations constitutional would be necessary, objectifying to the revision of the living electoral laws. However, the only emendation carried through so far, was of the implantation of the re-election for plus a mandate, favoring the ambition of the continuity in the power. Defenders of the idea also exist to diminish the great amount of political parties, aiming at to a bigger structural control of the clubs, preventing the spraying of partisan entities, that do not possess an ideology well definite e, confuse the voter. We cannot guarantee that it would be the solution for all the problems, but I have the certainty of that it is the attempt most reasonable for a transparency bigger politics, in a country that clama for honesty and commitment with the citizenship. While the definitions demanded for the society are procrastinated, it goes if perpetuating the unreliability, the chaos of the health, the balbrdia in the education, a people orphan. Until when?
