Month: <span>September 2016</span>

It was born the Arpanet, precursor of the Internet: four places had been chosen as initial we of the net: Network Measurements Center of the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA), Institute of Interactive Mathematics Culler-Fried of the University of California in Santa Brbara (UCSB), University of Utah and the Institute of Research of Stanford (SRI). The used data-communication methods had given origin to the TCP/IP? the universal set of transport protocols and encapsulamento of data of the Internet? In one it searches carried through in the year of the 2010 for the F/Nazca () site demonstrates how much the Brazilian has access the Internet, this information allows to visualize how much the ingression in a course can in the distance be important. seventh edition of the survey on Internet in Brazil, carried through semester for the F/Nazca, quantified the number of Brazilians who have access the Internet, considering the places and periods of access, navigation, purchases online, transversalidade of the medias and consumption of notice, beyond exploring for the first time the universe of the electronic games. The influence of the Internet and internautas in the consumption comes growing gradually in the Country, enters more with 12 years or. In this band, 23% they costumam to buy online, with average of 4,2 times to the year, while 41% if feel more consumistas later that they had started to use the Internet. It more enters articles bought online are the electronic (11%), followed of books (6%) and household-electric (5%). On the other hand, 77% of internautas do not costumam to buy online, from fear not to receive or from the delivery of the order to be slow (33%).

The mouth the virtual mouth influences internautas in the purchases? 48% take in consideration the opinion of other consumers published in Internet before buying. F/Nazca carries through the research on Internet since the beginning of 2007. In the survey of April of this year, 2,247 interviews in 143 cities had been made. The margin of error is of 2 percentile points for more or less, inside of a reliable level of 95%. The amostral drawing was elaborated on the basis of information of Census 2000 and estimates of 2009 of the IBGE. These data can are for knowledge, but they can help in the distance in the education in way that contributes inside with the local realities of Brazil, so that let us have each time in the distance more people studying. 4 – SOON HISTORICAL OF the EAD IN the WORLD education in the distance is a process that comes taking space in the whole world, for having flexibility, freedom and also it criticizes in environments that can be had access of any place, since that has the correct equipment. (Litto, 2009) it speaks in its book that exists dates cited for some authors who historically demonstrate facts of signals of Ensino in the distance,


Other paragraphs which has undergone modifications with this reform of the law, is the regime of invalidity of contracts; some aspects of the general regime retouch and new special cases of nullity of contracts are incorporated. In addition to as described so far, law 34/2010 also born with a predisposition to boost electronic procurement and thereby eGovernment in general, by encouraging the use of electronic media in the processing of procurement records. We can highlight, among others, the obligation of the tenderers to submit an address of email contact so that the Administration make relevant notifications; the possibility of filing certificates keep abreast with Social Security and the AEAT by means electronic, computer or telematic; the publication, in any case, of allocations and the formalisations of contracts in the profile of the Contracting Party of the public body; or the use of electronic notifications between the different organs or administrations, whenever possible. Adaptations arising, from the technological point of view, the reform will come determined by changes in the management of the dossier: alterations in the sequence of the award procedure, inclusion of additional information in award notifications and information in the dossier fields, adjustments to new limits of formalisation or modifications in shipments of publications to the profile of the registrant or official publication platforms, as the platform of State procurement. Of this way, the modifications arising from the reform of the law have impact on technological solutions for electronic contracting currently being implemented in the different government agencies on the occasion of the time of modernization in the Administration that we are living. This circumstance obliges those solutions to be prepared to adapt to the continuous changes that is experiencing the Act of Public Sector contracts to ensure excellence in processing, taking into account the approved reforms which may arise in the future. Luis Tornel and Julia Sanchez Meynial Director of Marketing Pixelware management records, information and business processes learn more about solutions for electronic contracting and managing electronic original author and source of the article
