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Such external migration is the case of people who are going to work to the United States of America. Most of these people are going to the neighboring country and entering it illegally. These people were and are people in rural areas who go to the United States in search of the American dream. Economic migration has various consequences in Mexico in economic, political and social aspects. The stay of Mexicans in the United States, has important consequences on the economy of the country. Mexicans who migrate to the U.S., normally depart in search of a job than them enough money as to keep and to send money to their families. This is to what is known as remittances: amounts of money than workers Mexicans in us send to their relatives. According to CONAPO figures, it is estimated that in the year 2001, entered Mexico close to 6 billion dollars by concept of remittances, i.e., 17 millions of dollars per day.

Some researchers even mentioned that if these remittances did not exist, the country’s economy collapse. Likewise, he has come to say that if all Mexicans living in the us are returning to their places of origin, Mexico would be one of the most serious economic crises in its history. This would be due to the fact that the economy is not currently able to use the entire population, and if to this we add 8 500 000 of Mexicans residing in the U.S., unemployment rates aumentarias considerably. In addition, the money which is received by concept of remittances would enter the country and this would cause more poverty. In terms of policy, migration policy also has important consequences. Currently, politicians in the States of the South of the United States are trying to pass laws to prevent the constant flow of Mexicans to their country. As it is the case of the Governor of California who has tried on many occasions to accept Bill 187 against immigrants Mexicans.


Get ready to receive the secrets of the universe, it has given wealth to many men and women in the world and the most surprising thing is that it does not depend on activity that you perform, or education you have, the past you’ve had or lucky. It depends only on your most essential and deep part. If already started to read this text is to say that you are much better than you really think, many to your around still do not know what to do in their lives or live chained to their negativity, you’re different and that’s the first step. When you finish this process of knowledge which you are immersing you will know in depth the following: how to recognize your most important goals how to familiarize yourself with your own inner self, your essence, your abilities and power hidden how to fill yourself full and abundant confidence, enthusiasm and goodwill how safely maintain the image of your own success and how to live, talk and dream each way with her. The rest is to wait to that glorious things happen the first step is to create in you a sense of wanting to be reborn in a world full of possibilities and break the chains of cursing, Blevins, doubts and others more than they bind your feet to run, your hands to take, your mind to create and your heart to wish. Believe that your reality is not that you have imposed, but that you can create, Yes, create your own reality or way.

Quantum physics he speaks of multiple realities that alternate each other depending on the decisions we make, also our thinking and wish emits vibrations to the universe that you attract the things in which you keep a constant vibration, this is the faith of pordes do, up to move mountains. We were created with a divine creative essence, where an exceptional world and wonderful is waiting to act according to our wishes. A2687503%2CVSRPcmpt%3Aprimary’>Karen Edwards expresses very clear opinions on the subject. You must understand that you are not a body with a mind, a mind that has a body you are. As man thinks in his heart, so is he, i.e. you are what your mind thinks that it is.

This step is to discover that there is a potential in you able to overcome every obstacle and take you to the wealth in all its fields. Many are wealthy at the expense of their health, have enough money to pay for expensive treatments. You can also be rich, but what I am asking is to achieve your wealth doing what you like, enjoying a healthy life and an absolute well-being. If you think it, it will come to you. With which captured the impressions of the outside world through the senses, we turn, analyze and communicate with others, and it is that goes to sleep with our body. There is another level which was dubbed by the author of a fantastic book I had in my hands, which he called mind creative, is the subconscious and is responsible for all the involuntary functions of our body, which keeps us alive by controlling the physiological functions of our body and is in where to host what we really are our most intimate secrets, and the most wonderful thing is that it works 24 hours. When we go to sleep, she creates for us.


With this, we are emphasizing the given importance cultural dimenso in the studies of social ecology what it differentiates it of the chamadaecologia human being, the spite to present a common origin. We must observe, that the both have as reference osestudos initiates in the decade of 1920, whose object meets nainterface of the nature and the society situated, in what refers to the societies human beings and seucomportamento in the space where they live. In this period, a group of socilogosfunda the School of Chicago in U.S.A., developing studies of urban sociology, that will go to approach the ecology of sociology. What it marks this approach is atransposio of concepts of the ecology for the field of sociology. Trabalhosdo group of Chicago inaugurates a new methodology of research in sociology, aqual has as main thesis to consider the city as one ' ' habitatnatural' ' of the man. This consideration if becomes, particularly, relevantedentro of the economic and social context of the time. Industrialization crescentefez with that the city of Chicago represented an excellent laboratory depesquisas around the subject of relation of the social organization of the man, in surrounding ummeio for constructed, artificial it, and, therefore, product of the culturahumana. The research undertaken for this American group, had influenced, deformed marcante, the following generations for at least 40 years.

The studies emecologia human being that had continued, however, turn over marked for discussoentre biologistas and culturalistas trends. This quarrel if bases critical numaimportante that if human being relates to the use of the nostrabalhos concepts of ecology in ecology. One becomes necessary to stand out the differentiation that cultural adimenso implies, when the group in question is the human group. Transportermos of a natural science, as the ecology, to sciences human beings can tercomo consequence the impoverishment of the analyses that if follow e, to mesmotempo, a disfigurement of the original direction of the term.


In the first case, centered in the production for the great farming and, in as, subordinate to the international prices. Moreover, the demand of agricultural sorts existing in the Europe would be enters the factors boosters of the expansion of tropical products. Stolen (2004) it emphasizes the importance of the pressure of the too much European nations on Portugal and Spain, come back toward the necessity to occupy lands so that effectively &#039 had its; ' direitos' ' guaranteed; the experience of Portugal with the production of sugar in other colonies; the importance to make to produce to cover expenditures centered in the defense of new lands; the existing demand in the European nations for sugar and the existence of great capitals interested in extending the exportations, amongst others. Ally to the external factors was the politics of man power with use of slaves, demanding great amounts, especially in the cultures directed toward exportation and the existence of this available man power. However, what effectively it contributed so that had increasing appropriation of the lands, would be in the fact of that the use of great capitals predominated the too much factors ahead, in view of the necessity of vultosos resources for the transport of the slaves, purchase of necessary machineries the sugar production and the existence of the possibility of great necessary properties the production of tropical products. The Portuguese colony in America was influenced, also, for the strong dependence that Portugal was acquiring of England. Its hegemony, to the few only started to be apparent, in view of that the English, through diverse pacts had started to determine which main measures, Portugal could carry through. Bausbaum (1957), speaks of the Portuguese economic atony and its dependence in relation to England, beyond if to sobressair only in relation to the imported products. This external interference passes, also, of certain form, to determine the consolidation of a legal apparatus that happened on the internal relations.


An ideology for detrs of each act of statement exists. This term, of the book of Faraco, symbolizes a product of ' ' spirit humano' ' , what some times are called by other authors incorporeal culture or production spiritual. Of the same book, the following story is had: Ideology is the name that the circle costuma to give, then, for the universe that engloba the art, science, the philosophy, the right, the religion, the ethics, the politics, that is, all the superstructural manifestations (to use a certain terminology of the marxist tradition). (2003, P. 48).

For this I break up, understands that the Real never is given of form concise, raw, but of the opposite, where the pure data are not tried. The relationship happens through a significant substance, the world alone acquires sensible when treat for the semitico look. Soon I will answer other questions sent during the launching of my site. Again I thank to the attention and affection of all and all 3:59 p.m. Apr 19th saw web.

(@dilmabr). The launching of the site is a marketing tool. The act to have a site means status, mainly when it is about one in terms politicians. Dilma if raises through the cheap media with precision, the object of the modern times that sobressai in relation to other medias, as well as radio and TV, older ways. The Internet is at the hands of good part of the population, and beyond the exploitation, in the case of twitter, the workmanship hand becomes short, direct, needs very and without effort on the part the enunciador. For Bakhtin, much imports the dialogizao of the social voices, that is, the sociocultural meeting of these voices and dynamics that if establishes. The voices have strenghtened support, if they oppose partially and if they dilute of form fracionada until if parodiarem ones to the others.


It is always good moment to travel by the world, to know new cultures or simply to absent itself of the office by a good period of time. It is possible that I do not hold more in your job, that you must determined look for something better, or than directly you do not work at present. Then it takes advantage of those ahorrillos and it travels by the world, to clarify to your ideas knowing something more interesting than the four walls that surround to you. In order to choose the perfect destiny you must consider several things: if you prefer to go to a site where you feel like in house, where you yourself language is spoken, or to go to a zone where you feel like a foreigner, enjoying a completely different culture, in search of a great challenge. If your budget is little, you must think until you can stretch where it.

Another question is the security, even if you travel in group. Before going, it investigates a little on the site that you want to visit and finds out how to travel surely. Some countries have more risks than others, and to take simple good precautions marks the difference between or bad memories. These are some of our better selections, a mixture of places well-known and more unusual and exotic, lost others by the world. It gives just as corner you need, is a place in the world for you! Thailand Thailand offers many opportunities, from the obtaining of your title of diving to working with wild animal, like monkeys and elephants. In addition, many rural provinces demand voluntary professors to work with groups of all the ages. There you will find beautiful landscapes, paradisiac beaches of crystalline waters, good food, and good atmosphere of nocturnal celebration, where to practice your English.


In this article, I show you how to create and publish your own book electronic (ebook), step by step. Step 1: Open your editor HTML (Dreamweaver, FrontPage, or etc), if you don’t have one, download one of these free editors that I recommend.(put page NVU and Kompozer), or writes to any free HTML editor search engine. Step 2: Enter or copy and paste your message from your text editor or idea in the HTML editor you have chosen. Your page designs and try to make it simple. After that, you have finished your work, you save the file in a specific folder. In the layout of your page, you should consider creating your file on a single page. If you decide to use more than one page, do not forget to link them between Yes, although if you are new in web design, better to do the design on a single page.

Step 3: Compile the file into an e-book using the compiler of ebooks. Go to any search engine, type free eBook compiler and Download a compiler of ebook and install it on your computer. Step 4: Open your compiler’s electronic book (ebook) and looks in your file (HTML file to creastes in step 2) and follow the instructions on your ebook compiler until the end. Step 5: Enters download WinZip and install it. Open the WinZip application and creates a new Zip file. Register your ebook file and closes it. Step 6: With the program FTP upload a zip file (for example to your web server.

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FOUNDATION DEFINITION: Foundation is the structural element that has for function to transmit the load of the structure to the ground without provoking rupture of the land of foundation or the proper linking element and whose you stress can satisfactorily be absorbed by the structural set. The system of foundations is formed by the structural element of the building that is below of the ground (being able to be constituted by block, prop or tubulo, for example) and the bulk of involving block under the base and throughout the shaft. FUNCTION OF the FOUNDATIONS To support with security loads proceeding from the building, that is, is the structural element that transmits the one load construction for a more resistant layer of the ground. Thus, the foundations must have adjusted resistance to support the tensions caused for the solicitant efforts. Moreover, the ground needs resistance and rigidity appropriate not to suffer rupture and not to present exaggerated or distinguishing deformations.

CONSTRUCTION LOADS the loads of the construction are gotten by means of the plants of architecture and structure, where the proper weights of the constituent elements and the overload or useful load are considered to be considered in the flagstone that is normalized in function of its purpose. Eventually, in function of the height of the construction the action of the wind will have also to be considered on the construction. Table 1 more supplies the specific weight of the used materials in the constituent elements of a construction, while the table the 2 useful overloads or loads in lining or floor flagstone in accordance with its purpose DEEP FOUNDATIONS DEFINITION: They are those where the load is transmitted to the land through its base (tip resistance) and/or lateral surface (attrition resistance). The deep foundations are seated to a bigger depth that two times its lesser dimension in plant. The deep foundation, which possesss great length in relation its base, presents little capacity of support for the base, however great load capacity due to the lateral attrition of the body of the element of foundation with the ground.


70% Of Internet users rely on the information on the network. According to, the deep mistrust that had for some years around Online data has disappeared. There are still some major barriers, as the increasingly widespread, electronic trade, but still, with many detractors. The report argues that more than 80% of consumer consultation network, before buying, while only 14% is decided on the basis of the information obtained through traditional channels. Sites that collect feedback on services, products, companies, etc.

They have flourished in recent years and have become a factor decisivio when deciding the purchase, in many cases, replacing the traditional word of mouth. But what initially was a great help to the consumer, today may have become a trap. It is usually easy to detect fraudulent products or companies, but when it comes to hiring more subjective services, – a hotel room, a trip, a meal in a restaurant – the community managers, come into action. The views of users are infected by advertising companies that are passed by clients to position their product with positive reviews. How to distinguish them? It is difficult.

Several cases have passed even the press filter. And not infrequently. The news of the opening of a cannibal in Berlin restaurant, toured the network, but your denial just appeared in a few media. It was the advertising campaign of an environmentalist group. Some bloggers are paid commissions by leaving in good place products of a certain company in their reviews. So, Internet has revolutionized and democratized access to information for the citizens, but the interests of some groups sneak into a network that has not yet developed effective filters to manipulated data and fraud. The fight for hearings, sales or advertising and the importance of the immediacy condition the quality of the information. Really, do you trust what you read on the Internet?


Do you know if this way your company complies with its obligation of preventive training (art. 19 LPRL) and information (art. 18 of the law on prevention of occupational risks – LPRL-)? The answer is no. This documentation only allows your company comply in part with these obligations. The documentation that the prevention of their mutual society provide their workers have to indicate, as a minimum, the risks detected in the company (both global as for the job which will occupy), prevention measures (for enterprise-wide and which must apply each worker depending on the job you are going to deal with)as well as emergency measures established (first aid, fire fighting and evacuation). Give their employees this information allows your company to comply with its obligation of preventive information, but which in any case replace the leaves is the obligation of his company to train its staff in prevention. The training must provide their employees must be theoretical and practice, sufficient and appropriate to the activity that each worker performs and must upgrade depending on the evolution of risks, when new ones to appear and, in general, so when determined the initial risk assessment. In addition, the entity that provides this training must be issued a certificate attesting that the worker has passed the course received.

Attention! Be sure to have documentary proof that your company meets these obligations, because of not being able to prove it could incur serious misconduct punishable by fines from 2046 euros to 40.985 euros. To continue reading, click here. Training, information and much more is what offers you every month PractiLetter prevention of labour risks, a publication which will find all legislative sector developments, discussed without technicalities, as well as very practical recommendations that will help you properly manage prevention in your company, as well as comply 100% with the regulations without great complications.
