Tag: <span>stories</span>

It has as I sing it to reference of about wire. It measures a square meter of land and goes piercing. It leaves that the people sees, but when it will have dug 4 meters, it stops and it digs only the night, therefore will be arriving in diamonds. It catches the safe, it wraps up in a bag of estopa and goes for the hotel. It inside places the bundle of another old bag. In the other day, it goes there, it covers the hole all, it thanks the manager and it goes even so. It goes to a bank, sales everything, gives the half for the institutions and is with the other half.

If not to make this already knows. I came back toward the hotel and I almost did not sleep nothing the night thinking as it would be in the other day. I raised early, I waited to give the schedule of the mayor to arrive and there I was. Whose it still did not have fond, I waited a little until the man entered in its cabinet. I asked for an interview with it and soon was received. The mayor was very gentile and he did not make many questions, only wanted to know that type of mineral I was searching. I still said that not right wise person, therefore he needed a material evidence and alone he would obtain with the hollowing.

It said that this was not well with it, but with the owner of the place. After that he asked for to the Secretary to beat an authorization of mineral research in the city, where I wanted and I who I arranged myself with the owner of the place. Of ownership of the paper in the hand, I was until the transporter, but the owner alone to enxotar lacked me of there.


Jlia had fifteen years and was the first time that its mother allows it to travel alone. The happiness to enter in the bus, folloied of its colleagues of the eighth series, was indescritvel. Wise person who those would be inesquecveis days. had been. But, coming back the first part of our history, Jlia was alone in the first night of the encampment. While the majority of its colleagues was namorando, it was alone, looking at for the sky. then, a thought flooded its mind: Larissa, Gisele, Renata, Juliana, Ktia hummm, the Karen also, ours, until the Karen.

All already had kissed. All. It is Jlia, is in the hour to kiss somebody. Thus, exactly believing that the first kiss of a girl had to be special, Julia it had that to be practical. It had that to kiss and it had that to be in that night. Its look covered the club in which she was camped. was Ricardo, a new boy in the school there. It is, thought.

In less than two minutes he was everything schematized in the head of Jlia: it had read in some magazines prescriptions of as to kiss, Ricardo had more or less its height, what it would not make it difficult the kiss, and the possibilities to take a rejection already had been considered. Ricardo, it comes here. Ricardo, that was lying in a bank, also looking at the sky, if approached. Following he is this, said Jlia. I never kissed and necessary to kiss. People if kiss and are together these days if to give certain gave and people are namorando, if not to give certain did not give, and people alone are in these days of encampment. is not that it gave certain? Not it namoro, but the kiss. All perfect age. The covered with star sky of the hot night, the side of the swimming pool, the long abraos that followed the kisses when the two lost the breath, the smile of Ricardo. But most important and more perfect it is that Jlia had kissed. Namoro did not give certain. But Jlia wise person who had made the certain thing. was happy for having given its first kiss in the encampment of the school.
