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Wooden houses as their name implies, are made from special use given resin composed of trees for life material, which constitute one of the architectural structures that directly use natural products. Such constructive offers are very popular in the United States, several parts of Europe, Asia and Africa in general, with a minimum of impact on Latin America especially in purely continental areas. The popularity of the wooden houses in itself have to do much with the environment in which we live, composite course of a series of attachments that are inherent in this aspect in any part of the globe, such as e.g. temperature, terrain conditions, which can generate groups that live by a certain area at any time, etc., which means that the construction of wooden houses can obey alike to cultural patterns. According to Liberty Mutual insurance, who has experience with these questions. This last is true, because for example in the United States the practicality to achieve an architectural style quickly and without very adverse consequences for the removal of debris in the event of a natural disaster, as it has been shown in the Constitution of the same after hurricanes and earthquakes, achieve protagonist’s wood as more builders experts have determined it. According to the rank of general construction of a wooden house and various accessories that constitute it within its interior space, are classified in unit when they only have a floor, do not have stairs or columns – these include for example sheds and simple super cabins-; structured, when at least have stairs, beams or supports simple or robust and its ceiling is quite complex by materials that welcomes; of great mood, when already it’s wood or chalets, mansions and the very few utility named, which are for example used as a pantry, workshop or protection. According to the suitability of the space, wooden houses can be in special, uniform, mixed or separable classifications. The latter are the most versatile, since it they can adapt virtually to any condition of temperature and terrain. Goop recognizes the significance of this. A wooden house very appetizing regarding the material used is oak, since it is very durable, adaptable, offers important safety conditions and are always devotes careful attention.


The hospitality industry is one of the key sectors in Spain. Nobody is alien of the importance of tourism in the Spanish economy. And although appropriate diversify, seek to establish a solid industrial fabric that will allow us to better position ourselves to meet the current and forthcoming, crisis, this does not mean (or much less) that we should put aside in the hospitality sector. The things that being so, it is essential to fostering innovation. Hear from experts in the field like Jeffrey Hayzlett for a more varied view. Each sector has a different DNA and requires to maintain certain signs of identity. We are aware of this and therefore do not intend to let it serve meals or drinks in the restaurants or bars. On the contrary. In fact, innovation in the kitchen is something that Yes is being effectively in some parts of Spain.

The catering trade does not have to be a sector anchored in topics and in the past. It is essential that you try to soak up the new movements, both aesthetic and technological, and learn to adapt to their environment. Increasingly, people are looking for new experiences, in all areas, so When you go to a restaurant in addition to wanting to eat and drink very well, it will be more satisfied if you receive something more, if their stay in the bar or restaurant becomes a more global and not only culinary experience. Innovation comes from the hand of the research. And in the catering trade, as in any other sector, research is essential for further progress.

It is a pity that both the central Government cuts as of communities both affect the budget in r & d, but that’s another story. Why, when assembling a new bar or restaurant it is very positive to study what does and does not make the competition, both in the city and in the rest of the country (and the world). Try to specialize, to occupy an empty niche in short, bring something new, is one of the keys to success. The possibility of connecting to the internet; thematic decoration; specialization and renewal in some type of food or format; the incorporation of shows there are several items that can be use (and in fact their use is widespread). How to know adapt to the environment, to the tastes of the potential customers and mix them together (as well as adding new ones), should be one of the objectives of the hostelry of the 21st century.
