The Importance Of Advertising Communication

Increasingly we can see how organizations need a more integrated and consistent communications. The new advertising media, new uses of conventional media, new technologies and the great need for companies to communicate with their audiences have consistently made this concept of communication 360 the cornerstone of different communication strategies that lead to out most of the organizations. The need for direct communication and integrated is more palpable than ever in these times of information society in which consumers are increasingly prepared, have more options and looking for products that satisfy their needs effectively. When we’re talking 360 communication to join all efforts by companies to communicate with their audiences in all areas gives us the panorama of today’s communication, either through conventional advertising, interactive or online advertising. Campaigns communication to be carried out must be orchestrated in unison, serving as support to each other and positioned our company in a clear in the minds of consumers. There are many ways in which we can reach our target and to a large extent, the image of our company have much to do with how we use different communication tools to deliver our message. In today’s society is not sufficient as some years ago to conduct a good communication of what we sell and where consumers can find it at present should communicate what we sell, where we sell, how and where we produce, under what conditions , how we distribute it, who are your customer, satisfy needs, both physical and psychological.

All these questions make the concept of communication 360 on something fundamental in building a great brand in today’s markets, increasingly globalized and internationalized and open to a wide range of consumers with distinct cultures which are moved by motives and needs of very different nature. Thanks to technological advances experienced in the field of strategic communication, diversity of media at our disposal and the consideration of creativity as an asset within organizations have developed numerous advertising techniques such as online advertising, advertising mobile, which is currently in the process of expansion, gaining ground every day and showing the great qualities as a technique that provides advertising, search engine optimization, Google Adwords program, which allows SMEs with limited resources to make communication efficient online advertising campaigns with a budget based on the minimum cost per click, sponsors increasingly unlikely or the production of short films by specific brands for the sole purpose of enhancing their brand image in the marking. Another communication tool important today are the Blogs. We can see how big multinationals create corporate blogs where they have informed their customers of all the latest offers, promotions … by establishing a channel of direct communication with public and being closer to these through the network. Obviously the trend is to grow, to move from conventional advertising agency for interactive where all departments are fully integrated and provide their customers, once and for all services consolidated, integrated advertising and communications. It is becoming more noticeable as the large agencies of our country are becoming aware of this phenomenon and are creating and integrating specialized departments in their offices on the latest trends in the advertising landscape as Coolhunters experts in viral marketing, online advertising, search engine optimization … I sincerely believe that Carl Laemmle of Universal Pictures was deeply wrong when he said back in 1931 “believe me, try to get the public to swallow advertising and overwhelm your eyes and ears with it will cause a rejection that eventually compromise their business.