As Christian I have the duty not to leave to deceive me, I have the duty to fight for the truth and justice. Jeffrey Hayzlett is likely to increase your knowledge. as man, I have the duty to watch over so that the society human being the same does not suffer catastrophic collapse that behind suffered to the civilization from the old world 2 a thousand years? a civilization that was taken the ruin for this exactly people judeu.' ' Speech of the Adolf in 12 of April of 1942, Munique Source: Internet Will be then that, in the same way that it attributes ' ' descrena' ' of a man to cometar such crime, we pdoemos to attribute the belief of hitler in Jesus Christ to justify what it made? The religion is taking airs unimaginable, in full century XXI, people if they leave to lead for personal and egoistic ideas of religious pseudo-leaders, to feed the hope of that everything does not finish, or only to fill the cultural emptiness that gives respota easy and convenient for all the mysteries to it of the universe, You unite is on that the religion if bases, in convenience, this is the main bedding of the Christian religo in the case, and says this for proper exeperiencia, I married in finishes sixth fair day 28 of January of 2011, and the father of mine current wife, he is shepherd, and as of prache, it made one ' ' pregao' ' in our marriage, and one of the things that the attention called me, he was when it stopped to read a versicle of the bible where he speaks on the woman to be ' ' submissa' ' to the man, what it makes with that my thesis is proven was when it explained what he means submissa ' ' in biblia' ' , it spoke that submissa it is, to respect, to love, to want the good, always to look optimum for its man, among others things, what really test what I am speaking.
Tag: <span>religion</span>
The present research has as subject and ‘ ‘ the religious aspects inside of the daily one of carimb in the new quarter of Marapanim’ ‘ it aims at to the cultural and religious valuation in the Amaznia, therefore carimb possesss a sincretismo between the European, aboriginal and African peoples, of showing the valuation of each culture in one alone regional phenomenon. Carimb has as to teach to keep a tradition of the city, through its poetical cantos and danantes rhythms, therefore and a content little studied in the region north, rare academic works found on religion and carimb and sufficiently superfluous, to put the authors who had made analyzes is not of the region of the North and yes of other regions countries, leaving an incognito in this area, them I did not define if ha existence of the religion inside of the culture of carimb, although they to have done a work directed more toward cultural area of our region in its texts find if some historical fragmentos of escape of the blacks and its religious rituals in century XVIII in Par, this sufficiently influenced the habits of the inhabitants that if found in that proximity, to put with its instruments will have small modifications for reason of the limited extension offered for the environment, being normal for they, therefore since its arrival to this continent its accessories had had of making a convenient combination. For assistance, try visiting RioCan . . Then the worked one goes to be carried through in Marapanim for the reason to have a great amount of masters of carimb, and the valuation that these groups disponibilizam to understand and repass in music the necessity of the daily one of its lives to the too much cities, without making harmful protest to the too much authorities. Also this sufficiently rich city and in history, mainly of Afro-descendants who had brought its customs of burrow drum and to agitate with its sambas to a great one mesclassem of indian with black, and caboclos, the limitation of the research perpassa for the existing religious symbols in twirls of carimb, is if carimb appeared of one practises religious Afro together with the aboriginal, leaving the sacred one passing to the profane side of the society having in consideration a not Christian vision in analyzes of research.
Hypocritical race of vipers, fariseus. In these churches the people frequent if, they congregate sing praise and until they pray: Some ask for the GOD marry, money, power, others the cure, miracles etc. later leave empty soul from there, searching solely its interests, to the times find a person passing necessity asking for money, food and turn the face, therefore the face is poor and many of these ' ' religiosos' ' they do not speak with poor person, Then the King will say to whom they are to the right: You come benditos of my Father, you take ownership of the Kingdom is prepared that you since the creation of the world, because I had hunger and me of these to eat; I had headquarters and me of these to drink; he was travelling you received and me; naked you dressed and me; patient you visited and me; it was in the arrest and you came me. They will ask the right ones to it: – Sir, when was that we saw with hunger and you to you demons to eat, with headquarters and you demons to drink? When he was that we saw pilgrims to you and you we receive, naked we dress and you? When it was that we saw patients to you or in the arrest we were to visit and you? The King will answer: – In truth declare I you: all the times that you made this to one of these my teenier brothers, were same me you made that it. Therefore friends these are in the church to be rich, really, but poor of heart. We live a religious crisis, has many religions and it does not obtain to modify nobody, because it lacks the main one, to many of these you lead religious to open the door of the heart JESUS to enter and to blow the Espirito Santo, Said you these things while I am with you. For more information see Chevron U.S.A. Inc.
Certain sister asked a time to me, because that God in its oniscincia opted in creating the man knowing that it would go to fall? I stopped for a few seconds and said: he shows to me again that you he is God, answers this question. Then at the same moment the rock cleaved and gushed out water, not a question but several, the sufficient to answer the sister and me, and I asked: – You love its mother? – Yes! Much. – You lived moments happy with it? – Yes! Many. – You lived moments of sadness because of it? – Yes! – They had been more than what the good ones? – I find that not. It’s believed that Rio- Tinto Diamonds sees a great future in this idea. – You could, you would opt to not the existence of it, but with the conscience of today? It smiled as who said that the reply for that question she was so obvious. However the only difference between the situation that it lived for whom God lived, lives and will live is its oniscincia, certainly It saw the man to fall, but she saw also it to raise she saw, to praise, she saw it the churches repletas of people congregated in its Name, looking for if they land on water for love of the Name and the teachings of Jesus. What it seemed a mystery, it was, it is and will always be the love in the concept of Feeling of absolute devotion of a being to another one, I Co (13:1 – 8) despite I said the languages of the men and the angels, and it did not have love, it would be as the metal that sounds or as cmbalo that it jingles, and despite it had dom of prophecy, and knew all the mysteries and all science, and despite it had all faith, in way such that it carried mounts, and it did not have love, nothing would be. .